Optimized & industry-ready SolutionS

For all your testing needs

Midwest EMI Associates offers design consultation services to help our clients:

  • Protect their products from susceptibility to electromagnetic interference.
  • Protect their products from susceptibility to electrostatic discharge damage.
  • Prevent their products from radiating electromagnetic interference that may exceed acceptable levels.

We work with our clients to help them achieve compliance to IEC standards by efficiently modifying their product design where necessary. We also offer product safety design recommendations.

Circuit analysis and resolution of performance issues relating to standards compliance requires a design engineer with extensive practical experience. Our senior engineer has extensive medical product design experience in addition to expertise in the areas of ESD, EMI, and IEC standards compliance.

Our Services

EMI testing

Our chief engineer is NARTE-certified and our laboratory has the most advanced test equipment commercially available. In a matter of a few hours, your device can be completely characterized. We have the design experience necessary to help you correct any deficiencies, which may be found by the testing procedure. We provide you with a detailed test report on our findings.

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CE Marking

We are recognized by NEMKO, so we can assist you in determining applicable test requirements and in ensuring that your products meet the stringent testing requirements of the European marketplace.

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ESD Testing

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) interference is a specialized type of ambient interference that results from the extremely rapid equalization of charges between conductive surfaces. One common type of ESD is statically generated by friction between two insulating materials. Humans experience ESD as a brief electric shock. 

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Wireless Testing

The guiding light behind the European Wireless Testing is the so-called “RED” directive and the standard EN 301489-1. The primary difference between standard EMI tests and products with wireless is that the product must be tested to 6 GHz both in radiated emissions and immunity and be proven to work effectively in all other ranges. 

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Need help with your testing requirements? We are experts!

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